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Twitch IRC/TTS Chat Portal

     From this page you can find some guidance on howto setup IRC Chat on your mobile android based device to connect with Twitch chat.

What you need:

  1. Active Twitch account

  2. Android mobile device

  3. IRC Radio App from Google Play Store

  4. Read the Twitch dev documentation on IRC Chat (,of%20using%20the%20Web%20interface.)

  5. Generate your OAUTH code (Do not share this with anyone) this is essentially your password for connecting the IRC client. The link to generate your code is on that article in step 4 above or goto

Connecting IRC Radio to Twitch Chat
  1. Open the IRC Radio application and remove the default Accounts.

  2. Add new account using the following settings


  • Account: Twitch

  • Server:

  • Port: 6697

  • Nick: this is your twitch name in all lowercase do not use caps

  • Password: OATH token

  • Language: I have Google TTS service packs so that is what I selected

  • SSL: Checked


  • Auto Identify: Checked

  • NickServ:

  • Nick Pass:


  • Reconnect: Checked

  • Interval: 30

  • Retries: 12


Any settings in the add account page that were not mentioned you can take defaults on. Next from the account page press and hold on the Account you just made. Select the Add Channel option and configure using these settings

  • Channel: #yourtwitchname

  • Channel Pass:

  • Join/Leave: Checked

  • Auto Join: Checked

  • Language: Select your TTS provider

  • TTS Prefixes:


Now if you have done everything correct the Twitch account should have a Green ball next to it, and if someone sends a message in your chat it should notify and speak it aloud.

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